“Red” Wins A People’s Choice Award.

I am so grateful to the Center for the Visual Arts in Wausau Wisconsin for jurying my 9×12″ oil painting “Red” into their 2023 small works show. The CVA gallery is a beautiful space that is run by a very professional and dedicated group of people.

During this show, in person visitors to the gallery had the opportunity to vote on artwork that they especially enjoyed. Winners of this vote received a People’s Choice Award and a small cash prize. I am incredibly honored that visitors selected “Red” as an award winner.

One of the rarest, most valuable, things that an artist can be given is honest, thoughtful feedback about their work. Awards are one form of feedback that I personally find to be extraordinarily valuable and I am grateful to everyone who took the time to visit and vote.

The Center for the Visual Arts

The CVA is an institution of the Wisconsin arts community that has existed in Wausau since 1982. It has four gallery spaces, an art school and a juried gift shop. The gallery is located at 427 North Fourth Street, Wausau WI, 54403 and admission is always free. You can find more information about the gallery and its events at https://www.cvawausau.org/


9×12 inch Oil on board.
$400 USD
Prints available.

Why A Blog??

Why an artist blog, on a website, at a time when the art community is centralized on digital platforms like instagram or facebook?

Well, because those platforms do not necessarily serve the interests of artists- or, at the very least, they don’t really serve mine. Instagram especially, seems to have moved away from what made it the consensus choice for interacting with art, and artist made content. Having the only way to interact with me, or read the occasional post or announcement, be dependent entirely on the whims of whatever tech algorithm is running a site this week seems like…. well, like a bad idea. It also seems not so great to have all of my communication, content and interaction existing entirely on a centralized platform that I don’t own. Platforms can disappear pretty quickly, and they can make sweeping decisions that radically change how they function even faster.

So while this isn’t going to be a place that gets updated as much as my other social media- I am going to be experimenting with ways to bring all my wonderful collectors and art friends a more stable and reliable place to be.